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2006.01.06. – Misija Hrvatske svjetske udruge

translation follows Croatian version.
Hrvati i hrvatski prijatelji,
Hrvatske svjetske udruge (The Croatian Worldwide Association, CWA)
duboko je demokratska i patriotska: mi zelimo zastiti hrvatski nacionalni
suverenitet i legitimitet Domovinskog rata, te podrzati domace reforme kroz koje
bi nastala sposobna, jaka i prosperitetna, istinski demokratska Republika Hrvatska.

ima glas medju brojnim Hrvatima diljem svijeta i stranim kreatorima
vanjske politike, koji je ustanovila na najvisim nacelima koji se suprostavljaju kontinuiranom unistavanju hrvatske drzave i slobode tiska u Hrvatskoj;
izdaji veterana hrvatskog Domovinskog rata, napose generala Ante Gotovine;
izdaji i optuznicama protiv hrvatskih novinara; i duboko ukorijenjenoj korupciji
u hrvatskim javnim uredima, i medju elitima. Uvjereni smo da je korupcija odigrala kljucnu ulogu u izdaji generala Gotovina i CWA ce se boriti
protiv nje svim svojim snagama.
smo mi duboko razocarani i uznemireni uhicenjem generala Gotovine,
mnoge korupirane skupine su nasle u tome razlog za slavlje. Izlozite cemo
dva takva primjera koji ce posluziti kao upozorenje da ne cemo tolerirati
daljnju zlouporabu i pljacku Hrvatske na racun nevinih ljudi, a napose onih
koji su se borili protiv Miloseviceve i srpske agresije i komunizma da bi Hrvatska
bila slobodna demokratska zemlja. CWA ne ce suradjivati niskim tko vodi
financijsku kampanju za Generala dok nam transparentno ne prikaze novcani tok:
1) tko je ovlastio skupljanje novca; 2) kako su novcana sredstva utrosena.
ovih dana nam je prisao montrealski Hrvat Drazen Bokor koji se inace reklamirao kao osoba zaduzena za skupljanje novca za Generala. Prikupili
smo informacije o njegovim aktivnostima i postavili mu vrlo jednostavna
pitanja: (1) Tko ga je ovlastio za skupljanje novca i (2) gdje ce poslati
taj novac kad ga prikupi?
zupnom vjesniku u Montrealu, Gosp. Bokor i njegovi suradnici najavili
su sljedece "pucko veselje" (!) gdje cak nazivaju generala
Gotovinu jednostavno "Gotovina." Slijedi tekst koji su objavili
u svojoj reklami:
hrvatskog domoljublja, 28. sijecnja 2006 u 7:30 sati navecer. BOGATA
VECERA, donesite svoje vino. PLES, PUCKO VESELJE. Cist prihod od
zabave kao i dobrovoljni prilozi od pojedinaca i organizacija bit ce polozeni u fond Ante
Gotovine u Hrvatskoj. Ulaznice: $30 (vecera ukljucena). Studenti i djeca $15.
Drazen Bokor, etc.."
Bokor je uporno odbio odgovoriti na pitanja tko ga je ovlastio za prikupljanje novca za nepostojeci "fond Ante Gotovine"
u Hrvatskoj. Do danas, "Fond Ante Gotovine" sluzbeno ne postoji.
CWA u Kanadi pitala je gosp. Bokora i zasto se obracaju generalu
samo s Gotovina i opet nismo dobili odgovor. Takodjer mu je postavljeno
pitanje zasto nisu podrzali kontakt CWA u Montrealu na 5. kolovoza u sklopu
svjetskih prosvjeda u potporu generala i opet nismo dobili odgovor. Zanimljivo,
kad nije bilo skupljanja novca, i kad su planirane aktivnosti da se podigne
svijest o situaciji Generala i optuzenih novinara, ovih takozvanih skupljaca
novca za Gotovinu nije nigdje bilo. Montreal nije jedini slucaj gdje su prosvjedi i prikupljanje potpisa za peticiju CWA sabotirani, nego se to dogodilo
u brojnim drugim gradovima u svijetu da se prosvjedi obeshrabre. Barem
je Chicago uspio izbjeci sabotazu i odrzati prosvjede kao i Hrvati u Berlinu,
Gosp. Bokor je na vrlo odbojan nacin odbio odgovoriti na bilo koje
nase pitanje.
primjer: CWA-u je proslijedjen email od novoutemeljenog odbora Hrvata iz Viktorije (Committee of Croats in Victoria www.hrvati-victorije.com) U
njihovom emailu s nadnevkom od 5. sijecnja 2006, Katarina Brozovic-Basic, tajnica, pise:
obzira, glede vase zabrinutosti oko transparentnosti i uporabe novcanih sredstava prikupljenih od prodaje razglednica, budite uvjereni da
zelimo osigurati da se skupljanje novca obavlja na transparentan nacin
tako da Hrvati u Victoriji i drugdje znaju gdje njihov novac ide. Odbor Hrvata
Victorije je razvio strategiju komunikacije s hrvatskom zajednicom kroz lokalne
medije preko novina, radija, emaila, i internet stranica. Slicno tome, razvili
mo strategiju komunikacije s Hrvatima u Hrvatskoj i s medijima i direktno na politickoj razini. Jednom kad obitelj Gotovine i tima obrane koji predstavlja
generala Antu Gotovinu utvrde koji ce fond biti glavni da se nasa sredstva
u njega prebace, mi cemo slijediti njihove upute i upoznati cijelu zajednicu
u Victoriji i drugdje o svim koracima koje poduzmemo."
u njezinu emailu stoji kako zele "osigurati da se skupljanje
novca obavlja na transparentan nacin", ona i njezin Odbor odbijaju
to prikazati na njihovim stranicama. Iz popisa imena u Odboru vidi se da ga kontroliraju clanovi HDZ-a u Australiji.
cemo s prokazivanjem takvih primjera koji nam dodju na znanje i
odbit cemo svaku suradnju sa svima ciji se ciljevi pokazu necasni ili
netransparentni te stetni za Hrvatsku i za kampanju za oslobadjanje hrvatskog Generala
Mi cemo i dalje djelovati kao vodeci glas u borbi za Generala i
protiv svake korupcije. Molimo vas nastavite pratiti razvoj dogadjaja oko takvih
pojedinaca i skupina, i trazite njihovu punu odgovornost tako da se prikupljena
sredstva ne zlorabe, i da se doista pomogne Generalu i Hrvatskoj.
Stoga CWA zeli nesto reci o fondu za obranu generala Gotovine. Dok
CWA ne primi potvrdu da je otvoren sluzbeni legalni fond za obranu, CWA ne podrzava
nijednog pojedinca ili skupinu koji koriste ime CWA za skupljanje novca.
Ako CWA dozna za bilo kojeg pojedinca ili slupinu koji se koristi nasim imenom
bez naseg prethodnog odobrenja i ovlastenja, bez odgadjanja ce se pokrenuti
pravni postupak.
cini skupina osoba koji rade dragovoljno i ne zele nista drugo nego
pomoci Hrvatskoj, medjutim ne cemo tolerirati zlouporabu imena CWA u svezi
s neovlastenim skupovima za skupljanje novca.
takodjer zeli naglasiti da se prodaja HEROJ-majica obavljala iskljucivo preko www.croworld.ca. Croworld je skupina kanadskih Hrvata u podrucju
Toronta koji prodaju majice, i koje je CWA ovlastila jedino za koristenje
logo-a i dizajna ali CWA nije primila nikakav novac od prodaje majica niti
je poslala Croworld-u te majice. Sva pitanja glede prodaje HEROJ-majica s nasim
logom trebaju biti upucena Croworld timu.
kao vecina drugih organizacija u svijetu, nedavno, i to samo jedanput
je trazila sponzoriranje nasih stranica kako bismo odgovorili na goleme
zahtjeve naseg citateljstva u svezi s kvalitetnom, operativnom i opcenito
profesionalnom internet prezentacijom naseg rada. Sada CWA ne zeli primiti nikakve
donacije za odrzavanje stranica jer smo nasli dragovoljce unutar organizacije
koji ce nam pomoci da odgovorimo na zahtjeve naseg citateteljstva. U skladu
s nasim obecanjem da cemo objaviti svaku donaciju, CWA vas izvjestava da
je gdjica  Vedrana Katic iz New Jerseya, USA, donirala $20.00 za web stranice
? hvala jako puno! Zasada CWA ne zeli primati nikakve daljnje donacije.. Molimo
vas nastavite lobirati kod drzavnih duznosnika (vidjeti dolje ostala priopcenja) gdje god zivite. K tomu, pisite lokalnim i medjunarodnim
medijima jer moramo nastaviti pomagati Generalu Gotovini da se spasi od bijesa
ICTY-a i Haaga.
cemo se boriti za pravdu i nikad ne smijemo odustati.
Dear Croatians and Friends of Croatia,
Croatian Worldwide Association (CWA) mission is profoundly democratic
and patriotic: we want to protect Croatia’s national sovereignty and
the legitimacy of the Homeland War and to sponsor domestic reform in order to create
a viable, strong and prosperous truly democratic republic.
CWA has established the voice among numerous Croatians and foreign
policy makers worldwide on the highest principles that oppose the continuing
erosion of the Croatian state and free press in Croatia; the betrayal of
Croatian Homeland war veterans, especially General Ante Gotovina; the betrayal
and indictments against Croatian journalists; and deeply rooted corruption
in Croatia?s public offices and elites. We belive that the corruption
played a major role in General Gotovina?s betrayal, and the CWA will continue
to fight
against it with all its strength.
we?re deeply saddened and outraged at the capture of General Gotovina, many corrupt groups found this capture as a cause for celebration.
We will present you with two examples which serve as a warning that we will
not tolerate further manipulation and plundering of Croatia at the expense
of innocent people and especially those who fought against Milosevic?s,
Serbian aggression, and communism and for Croatia to become a free and democratic country. The CWA will not cooperate with anyone who raises funds
for the General unless they present us with a transparent flow of funds:
1) who authorized the fundraising; 2) and how the funds were used.
example, we were recently approached by a Montreal Croatian Drazen
Bokor who has advertised himself to be in charge of a fundraising campaign
for the General. We obtained information on his activities and asked him
very simple questions: (1) who authorized you to raise funds and (2) once the
funds are raised, where will you be sending the funds?
Montreal?s Parish bulletin, Mr. Bokor and his associates announced
the following ?cheering party? where they simply called General Gotovina?Gotovina.? The following is the text of their advertisement:
?Montreal?s Croatians organize for GOTOVINA a ..svecanu glazbu,
a celebration of Croatian patriotism on January 28, 2006 at 7:30.
Rich supper. Bring your own wine. Dance. Cheerful party. The net gains and donations
from individuals and organizations will be deposited in the Fund of Ante
Gotovina. Tickets: $30. Sale: Drazen Bokor, etc…?
Bokor continually refused to answer the questions as to who authorized them to raise funds for a non-existent ?fund of Ante Gotovina? in
Croatia. As of date, ?Fond Ante Gotovine? does not officially exist. CWA?s
official in Canada asked Mr. Bokor why they refer to our General
as only ?Gotovina? and we did not receive a reply. He was also asked why
they did not support CWA?s contact in Montreal on August 5, 2005 for worldwide
rallies in support of the General, again, no response. Interesting, when
there was no fundraising event, and an event was planned to promote awareness
of the General?s and indicted journalists situation, these now so-called ?fundraisers? were nowhere. Not only did was Montreal sabotaged
to hold a rally and gather signatures for the CWA petition, cities worldwide
were discouraged from organizing rallies. At least, Chicago managed to
avoid the sabotage and hold a rally as did fellow Croats in Berlin, Germany.
Mr. Bokor repugnantly refused to answer any of our questions.
example: The CWA was forwarded an email text from the newly formed
Odbor Hrvata iz Victorije (Committee of Croats in Victoria) www.hrvati-victorije.com In
their email dated January 5, 2006, Katarina Brozovic-Basic, Secretary, writes:
with regards to your concerns about transparency and use of funds generated from the sale of the postcards, rest assured that
we too are interested to ensure that all fundraising is done in a transparent
manner so that Croats in Victoria and elsewhere are clear about where their
monies are going. OHV has developed a strategy of communication with the Croatian community through the local Croatian media via newspapers, radio,
email and website. Similarly, we have developed a strategy of communication
with Croats in Croatia both through the media and directly at the political
level. Once the Gotovina family and the Legal Team representing General Ante Gotovina
have determined which fund shall be the primary one for our funds to
be channeled into, we shall follow their instructions and advise the whole community
in Victoria and elsewhere of the steps we are taking.?
her email states they too ?are interested to ensure that all fundraising is done in a transparent manner?? she and the committee
fail to mention this anywhere on their website. According to the odbor list
of names, the list appears to be dominated by HDZ members in Australia.
will continue to expose all such examples that come to our attention,
and refuse to cooperate with anyone who proves to have dishonorable
or non-transparent objectives detrimental to Croatia and the campaign
for the freedom of Croatian General Ante Gotovina. We work to remain the
leading voice in fighting for the General and against all corruption. Please continue
to follow developments around all individuals and groups and demand
full accountability so that the funds raised will not be misused, and
the General and Croatia are indeed supported with the dignity that the General
Therefore, the CWA wishes to address the General Gotovina defense
fund. Until the CWA receives confirmation that an official legal defense fund
has been established, the CWA does not support any individuals and/or groups
who use the CWA name to fundraise. Should the CWA learn of individuals and/or
groups using our name without our express consent or knowledge, we will not hesitate
to take
appropriate legal action.
CWA is a group of volunteers who want nothing more than to help
Croatia, however, we will not tolerate the CWA name to be used in coordination
with unauthorized fundraising events.
CWA also stresses that the sale of HEROJ t-shirts are solely done
through www.croworld.ca Croworld is a group of Canadian Croatians in the
Toronto area who sell the t-shirts and while the CWA only allowed and authorized
the CroWorld Team to use the logo and design, the CWA has not received
any money for the sale of the t-shirts nor did the CWA provide Croworld with
actual t-shirts. Any questions regarding the sale of the HEROJ t-shirts
with our logo should be directed to the Croworld team.
CWA, as most other organizations in the world, recently, and only
once, requested sponsorship of our website so as to meet the demands of
our readership regarding the quality, functionality, and overall professionalism
of our web presentation. Therefore, the CWA does not wish to receive
any donations for maintaining the website since we have volunteers within the
organization who will assist us to meet our readers? needs and maintain the website.
In compliance with of our commitment to announce any donations, the
CWA reports Ms. Vedrana Katic of New Jersey, USA has donated $20.00 for the
website ?
Thank you very much! At this time, the CWA no longer wishes to receive
any future donations.
continue to lobby government officials (please see below) wherever
you live. In addition, write to local and international media outlets
because we need to continue to help free General Gotovina from the wrath of
the ICTY and The Hague.
will continue to fight for justice and we must never give up!

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