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tekst na hrvatskom slijedi ispod

02. May 2005 – video – EL MUDJAHIDIN contains original video footage of persons belonging to this squad and fighting on the side of the so called Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. An army which Muslims (Another-words Bosnian politicians) introduce to the world as the ONLY army fighting for the unity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the good of all ethnic backgrounds residing there, and presenting their people (Bosnian Muslims) as the ONLY constitutional people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, judge for yourselves how true these claims are……..
You are also able to view a huge presence of Mudjahedins from Islamic countries belonging to Al’ Qaide who, as is well known, committed atrocious war crimes against Croatians and other non Islamic people in BiH. Keep in mind that those Mudjahedins were and STILL are protected by the Bosnian (Muslim) political leaders.

Croatian delegates (HDZ) have a large number of video recordings which can be used to prove to the rest of the world that those particular brigades of the BiH Army fought for a united Islamic Bosnia and Herzegovina against all other non Islamic people in that region, however, they still have NOT exposed these recordings. What are the reasons, it is unknown to me… Who is interested and who dare pose the question to our Croatian delegates, I wish them luck…. Perhaps they will receive the same answers that our president Stjepan Mesiæ and Croatians similar to him give (That includes a huge portion of HDZ delegates)

This is uncut footage that contains scenes of corpses and the actual acts of killing by the mudjahedins and native BiH Muslims, therefore we do not recommend this video to persons who are sensitive to such materials.

Here is list of members of al Qaeda in Bosnia and Herzegovina who received Bosnia and Herzegovina’s citizenships from Muslim liders as reward for they participation in war 1992-1995. And this is just short list.  Many more stay’s anonymous.




Everyone who owns video footage and wishes to make it available to the general public, please contact us on:

[email protected]

With these recordings we do not wish to spread hate but keep people from forgetting the truth.

Ivica Grgic
May 02. 2005

english translation – Teo Vego
EL MUDJAHIDIN sadrzi originalne snimke pripadnika te jedinice koja se nalazila u sastavu tvz Armije Bosne i Hercegovine koju muslimanski tj. bosnjacki politicari predstavljaju svijetu kao jedinu armiju koja se borila za cjelovitost Bosne i Hercegovine a za dobrobit svih naroda i narodnosti koje zive u njoj ( BiH )a svoj narod ( bosnjacki ) kao jedini kostutivan u BiH. Medjutim , prosudite sami koliko su te tvrdnje istinite .

Takodje ,mozete vidjeti veliko prisustvo mudzahedina iz islamskih zemalja pripadnika Al’ Qaide koji su , kao sto je svima poznato , pocinili uzasne zlocine nad Hrvatima i drugim neislamskim narodima . Imajte na umu da su te mudjahedine stitili upravo bosnjacki politicari a to rade i sada .

Hrvatski duznosnici posjeduju veliki broj video zapisa kojima mogu dokazati i upoznati svijet da su se upravo te postrojbe ( Armija BiH ) borile za cjelovitu islamsku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i na stetu svih drugih neislamskih zitelja BiH ali nisu nista ucinile po tom pitanju . Koji su razlozi , meni je nepoznato …..Koga zanima i tko smije postaviti ta pitanja nasim duznosnicima neka samo izvoli …. Mozda ce dobiti iste odgovore kao sto to radi nas Predsjednik Stjepan Mesic i njemu slicni ( to podrazumijeva i dobar dio duznosnika HDZ-a ) .

Ovo su neobradjeni snimci na kojima se nalaze scene mrtvih i sami cinovi ubijanja od strane mudjahedina i domacih muslimana te nepreporucamo osobama koje su osjetljive na takve prizore i djeci da gledaju ovaj video snimak .

Svima onima koji posjeduju video zapise i zele ustupiti radi upoznavanja opce javnosti neka se jave radi dogovora

[email protected]

Ovim i ovakvim snimcima ne zelimo poticati mrznju i sl. nego zelimo sacuvati istinu od zaborava.

02. svibanj 2005
Ivica Grgic

Još sličnih članaka


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