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2005.12.27. – Nenad Bach – ANTE GOTOVINA

– I
do not know much about this man. What I do know is, when the
barbaric hordes from the east bulldozed our Croatian graveyards,
leveled our churches, raped our women as a tactics and weapon
of war, this man among many others stood to defend Our Beautiful.
The fact is that the Europe as a community stood by and watched better to say encouraged barbaric
hordes to finish what they started.

This same Europe is giving us
conditions, not to include us in their ‘civilized community’, but
to buy us out like a banana republic. Most of the strategic industries
are already bought thanks to spineless politicians or/and people
who took advantage at the moment of war and confusion. If he wasn’t
a hero during the war and by all accounts that I know, he was, then
today he became one. Official stand on the issue, the way I see
the history and truth is still nowhere in sight. Wealth of information
and poverty of attention, especially for the issues that are beneficial
to many. Selfish subjects, like traveling with the first class or
economy… are solved quickly. Enough said.

Shower Ante with love and affection. We Will Win.
Nenad Bach

Ante Gotovina
P.O. Box 13888
2501 EW The Hague
The Netherlands

Formatted for CROWN by Nenad Bach


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