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2005.12.25. – Jackie Prkic – Božićna čestitka

especially think about Croatia’s greatest hero, General Ante
Gotovina and his family during these dark days. We hope he
and those nearest and dearest to him, find some comfort and
hope during these most difficult times…..


behalf of the Croatian Worldwidewide Association, we would like to
wish everyone and their families a very blessed and Merry Christmas.

We especially think about Croatia’s greatest hero, General Ante Gotovina
and his family during these dark days. We hope he and those nearest
and dearest to him, find some comfort and hope during these most difficult
times. The man who is carrying the destiny of Croatia’s future must
not be forgotten. For a man of such unprecendeted intergrity and pride
in one’s country, we must not forget him… Ante, Ante Svi Smo Za
We want the General to know his is constantly in our thoughts and
Jackie Prkic

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