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2005.12.01. – Croatian Worldwide Association

Croatians and friends of Croatia,

you for your calls, faxes and e-mails demanding that Congress
remove language from House Resolution 529 stating Croatian
General Ante Gotovina be sent to The Hague. Should the U.S.
Congress decide to vote on this resolution, we have no other
choice but to urge Members to vote "no" on the resolution.

We will keep you posted on emerging developments.

It has come to our attention that a number of Congressmen
said they were confused by these phone calls because the Croatian
government has lobbied for the passage of such a resolution. Your
calls are having a tremendous impact on this issue. We also learned
that Croatian government officials were very displeased with our
efforts. Instead of working with us and thanking us for our

intense lobbying efforts on behalf of the best interests of Croatia,
they are trying to demonize the Croatian Worldwide Association (CWA)
by spreading ridiculous myths and falsehoods–both about us and
the resolution.

The truth of the matter is that Croatia can never
truly be a part of NATO without our General, who built the military
power based on Western principles that defeated Milosevic, Karadzic
and Mladic and made the prospects of Croatia joining NATO even possible.
Croatia?s membership in NATO with our hero and Homeland War criminalized
would never materialize and would be simpy a farce.

The indictment against General Gotovina threatens the international
legitimacy of the Croatian state. If the General is handed over
to The Hague, in which he has already been convicted by the tribunal
for "command responsibility" over Operation Storm, Croatia’s
national borders will no longer be secure and can be challenged
by revanchist Serbs in the courts of international law.

This is not simply the opinion of the CWA, its members
and numerous international experts, nevertheless, it is the opinion
of the Serbian parliament and former "Krajina" Serb officials,
such as Savo Strbac, who have been driving this indictment for the
past several years. The Gotovina indictment establishes the legal
and moral basis for a new Greater Serbia. This is why it is imperative
for all Croatians around the world, especially the government in
Zagreb, to demand that the indictment be dropped and that General

Gotovina not stand trial either in The Hague or Croatia ? because
he is not a Milosevic or a Saddam Hussein.

We also demand that the Croatian government once
and for all cease and desist from their hostility towards the General
and begin an official campaign to secure General Gotovina?s freedom.
If they won?t do anything, we will as Croatians who are proud of
our heritage, dignity and homeland.

We cannot and must not wait a minute longer for
others to rewrite our proud history. It has been well over 4 years
since the General’s indictment and we must join together and defeat
the bogus policies implemented by the U.S. State Department, the
European Union and the United Nations.

In addition, The Hague’s indictments against the
Croatian journalists must be dropped. These indictments are absurd
because they are an assault on basic press freedoms and Croatia?s
democratic institutions. They also clearly show how corrupt The
Hague court has become, and how hostile it is to Croatia’s basic
interests and values.

Therefore, please continue your efforts to call
Congress. If they ask you, "Do you live in the Congressman?s
district?" Let them know, "Croatian General Ante Gotovina
does not live in your district either, but the Congressman is supporting
his false indictment. General Gotovina is innocent and the indictment
must be dropped."

Finally, please remember that we have the truth
and moral right on our side. Any Croatian that is indicted by The
Hague is simply unacceptable. Croatians around the world will not
allow this mockery of justice to continue.

We can–and we will–make a difference.

Dear Croatians and friends of Croatia,

Thank you for your calls, faxes and e-mails demanding
that Congress remove language from House Resolution 529 stating
Croatian General Ante Gotovina be sent to The Hague. Should the
U.S. Congress decide to vote on this resolution, we have no other
choice but to urge Members to vote "no" on the resolution.
We will keep you posted on emerging developments.

It has come to our attention that a number of Congressmen
said they were confused by these phone calls because the Croatian
government has lobbied for the passage of such a resolution. Your
calls are having a tremendous impact on this issue. We also learned
that Croatian government officials were very displeased with our
efforts. Instead of working with us and thanking us for our

intense lobbying efforts on behalf of the best interests of Croatia,
they are trying to demonize the Croatian Worldwide Association (CWA)
by spreading ridiculous myths and falsehoods–both about us and
the resolution.

The truth of the matter is that Croatia can never
truly be a part of NATO without our General, who built the military
power based on Western principles that defeated Milosevic, Karadzic
and Mladic and made the prospects of Croatia joining NATO even possible.
Croatia?s membership in NATO with our hero and Homeland War criminalized
would never materialize and would be simpy a farce.

The indictment against General Gotovina threatens the international
legitimacy of the Croatian state. If the General is handed over
to The Hague, in which he has already been convicted by the tribunal
for "command responsibility" over Operation Storm, Croatia’s
national borders will no longer be secure and can be challenged
by revanchist Serbs in the courts of international law.

This is not simply the opinion of the CWA, its members
and numerous international experts, nevertheless, it is the opinion
of the Serbian parliament and former "Krajina" Serb officials,
such as Savo Strbac, who have been driving this indictment for the
past several years. The Gotovina indictment establishes the legal
and moral basis for a new Greater Serbia. This is why it is imperative
for all Croatians around the world, especially the government in
Zagreb, to demand that the indictment be dropped and that General

Gotovina not stand trial either in The Hague or Croatia ? because
he is not a Milosevic or a Saddam Hussein.

We also demand that the Croatian government once
and for all cease and desist from their hostility towards the General
and begin an official campaign to secure General Gotovina?s freedom.
If they won?t do anything, we will as Croatians who are proud of
our heritage, dignity and homeland.

We cannot and must not wait a minute longer for
others to rewrite our proud history. It has been well over 4 years
since the General’s indictment and we must join together and defeat
the bogus policies implemented by the U.S. State Department, the
European Union and the United Nations.

In addition, The Hague’s indictments against the
Croatian journalists must be dropped. These indictments are absurd
because they are an assault on basic press freedoms and Croatia?s
democratic institutions. They also clearly show how corrupt The
Hague court has become, and how hostile it is to Croatia’s basic
interests and values.

Therefore, please continue your efforts to call
Congress. If they ask you, "Do you live in the Congressman?s
district?" Let them know, "Croatian General Ante Gotovina
does not live in your district either, but the Congressman is supporting
his false indictment. General Gotovina is innocent and the indictment
must be dropped."

Finally, please remember that we have the truth
and moral right on our side. Any Croatian that is indicted by The
Hague is simply unacceptable. Croatians around the world will not
allow this mockery of justice to continue.

We can–and we will–make a difference.


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Još sličnih članaka


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