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2004.11.11. – Brenda Brkusic

We had to change the location of the screening
for San Pedro

Hello to all of you
who have kindly advertised the upcoming screenings of Freedom From Despair. We
had to change the location of the screening for San Pedro and I was hoping you
might be able to reflect this change in your postings.
New location:
Sunday, December 5, 2004 at 3:00pm (after mass)
Croatian American Hall
631 West 9th Street San Pedro, California
San Pedro Contacts: Milan Vukovic and Jeff Bacic
[email protected] and [email protected]
A prominent TV station will be there covering the San Pedro event to finish a
story about the community coming together to support Brenda and her film! It is
important to have a full audience for the press. We had 300 people in LA and we
would like to match that number in San Pedro on December 5. With sepcial guests
– famous actors from the film.

Thank you,

Brenda Brkusic

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